Pet Adoption Services, Inc
P.O. Box 534
Kenner, LA 70063
Dogs: 9

  Search Successes
Volunteer Form
Contact Information











As a volunteer, I agree to the following:

1. To properly feed and handle animals under my supervision during volunteer activities.

2. Immediately notify a PAS foster parent or member if an animal under my supervision requires medical attention.

3. That all information accessed is confidential, and I agree to not reveal or disclose any information for any purpose to any other person or entity.

4. To never share my login information or allow database/website/email access to anyone, except for the PAS webmaster or approved board members.

5. To never use a publicly-shared computer or wi-fi connection when accessing PAS databases or information containing stored personal information about volunteers, adopters, applicants or other individuals.

Waivers and Release of Liability
I understand that the behavior of domestic animals is sometimes unpredictable and that some domestic animals are capable of inflicting serious personal injury. I understand that working with animals may involve handling fecal materials. Knowing the risks of working with domestic animals, I agree to assume those risks and to release, indemnify and hold harmless Pet Adoption Services, Inc. and their agents, any venue, company, and/or property owner on which PAS-related events are held and their agents, forever from liability for any injuries or damages to any person, property, or otherwise, caused by my participation in said events and/or by any PAS foster animals, and from any causes of action, claims, suits, or demands whatsoever that may arise as a result of such injury or damages.

I agree that entering my name below will serve as my signature, and that by signing I agree, understand, and certify the following:

  • The information entered on this application is true
  • I have read and understand the above waivers and that I have informed PAS concerning any restrictions I might have.
  • I give permission to PAS to verify the information given above


